Once you have a list of candidates, you can customise the way you view those results.

Viewing more results on page

On the right, you can select how many results you wish to see per page of results (20 - 250)

Toggle view of Search/Results

You can use the tab with the arrow to toggle the view between the results with the search query and without the search query. 

Clicking the blue tab then hides the query from view.

Image Placeholder


As standard, there are a list of columns which display automatically.

Image Placeholder

However, if you wish to add or remove columns, you can use the plus icon at the far right.

Image Placeholder

This will bring up a list of options which you can select or deselect depending on your preference.

Click OK to save this.

The order of the columns can be changed by clicking on the title field name and dragging it.


By clicking on a column in the results view, you can choose to Sort by that column, for example by distance, score or availability.

Mercury will remember your settings you create each time you return to search.